The rise of authoritarianism Brooks mentions is another
symptom of the frightening, irrational, "mob" emotion rising in the
U.S. and across the world. Trump has tapped into both the impulse to wipe the
slate and to find a bully willing to do it. Fascism and uber nationalism were
this popular most recently right before World War Two. I suppose it is
something hard coded in our DNA. The human race is genetically programmed to
keep population under control by whipping our "tribes" into an
irrational frenzy that can only be satiated by attacking another tribe, thus
ensuring we kill off enough people to reset the total population at a lower,
more sustainable level.
I just wish they would wait to start the inevitable
conflagration until after I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Donald Trump’s candidacy is the culmination of 30 years of antipolitics.